What's the deal with this site?

Hello! So this is my third attempt at starting a mainly technical blog, I hope this is the one that I keep. I thought that maybe a good idea would be to start this blog with a brief post of what I'm trying to accomplish here.

I always liked the idea of having my personal website where I can showcase the different personal project I attempt, also I like writing and hopefully, by writing on this website, I will get better at it. I chose Jekyll as my framework, mainly because it's free, simple to maintain and I can host the resulting site for free on GitHub Pages.

I'm not gonna lie, the first time I tried to create a website with Jekyll was not as smooth as I expected, mainly because I'm not familiar with Ruby's ecosystem (Which I hope to be soon because learning Ruby is one of my New Year's Resolutions).

After my first failed attempt to get a Jekyll workflow I feel comfortable maintaining, I found Octopress, which was basically Jekyll wrapped with a lot of fancy stuff, like simplified deployment using Rake. The resulting site looked nice, however, I did not really liked the way …

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